Andrei Volkov's Music Analyzer | ||||
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Ver 1.0b (380k) | MP3 (230k) | DSX (8k) | ||
© 2002-2003 Andrei I Volkov. All Rights Reserved. |
Music Analyzer software is currently free. However, I reserve the right to change this policy in the future.
Note: There is no warranty that the project will run on all platforms and suit all your needs. I also assume absolutely no responsibility for any damage, either expressed or implied, which may be caused by the use or impossibility to use of this software. You may use it at your own risk. - Andrei I Volkov
To install Music Analyzer on your machine, simply download it from the link above and save to any directory of your choice (you may want to create a new one). You can also create a shortcut to it for easy access.
To get started, download Tutorial Sample from the link above, read Running Tutorial Example section below, and follow the suggested actions.
Running Tutorial Example |
First, download the tutorial sample (mp3) and place it into a separate directory on your computer. If after clicking on the link the Save As dialog does not appear, but the browser starts playing, stop the playback, right-click on the link and select "Save As" from the popup menu that appears.
Open Music Analyzer and select "New Project" from the menu "File". In the dialog that appears, click on the "Select" button next to "Source Sound File" and select the tutorial sample you have just downloaded, then press OK.
If you get an error message "Codec 85 not found", you will have to convert the MP3 into WAV/PCM with a separate program. Most modern sound editors can do that. Or you can download the original WAV (3.4 MB) directly from here.
Place the WAV file to the same directory with your MP3, return to Music Analyzer, and this time specify WAV file instead of MP3.
The process of creating "project file" (which is basically a dynamic spectrum of the original sound, mapped to "musical coordinates") may take several minutes to complete. After it is finished, the project will be opened and you will see a picture like this:
Press Fix Measure []
button on the toolbar. Move the red vertical line to the start of the first
note and left-click. A solid green verical line now denotes the starting musical
Press Tempo []
button. Now point mouse over one of the black (not "fixed") vertical
lines, and drag it to the right until you see that the first "musical phrase"
fits correctly into the measures.
Press Fix Measure again and click over the third measure line, which becomes green.
Press Time Signature []
button and set 6/8. Now you can see:
Press Fix Measure and fix the next measure, then press Tempo and drag it to the left until it points to the start of the second musical phrase.
Right-click on that "condensed" measure and select Time Signature from the pop-up menu. In the dialog that appears, change to 3/8.
Press Tempo and adjust the measures to the right from that short measure. You see now:
Press Fine Tune [],
point to one of the horizontal lines (pitch delimiters), and drag it up a little
bit, so the colored note bars fall in between the pitch delimiters, not across
Select "All Channels" from the Set Active Channel
list. Then press Key Signature []
button on the toolbar and put checks on F# and Minor.
You will see the picture like this:
Make sure "Channel 1" is selected in the Set Active Channel drop-down list. Press Channel 1 Setup button next to this list, and specify the MIDI instrument, volume, pan, reverb etc. for this channel:
If you are setting up an instrument which is supposed to sound on the left stereo pan position, use smaller values for Pan parameter (on the original picture, red/orange bars). If you are setting up for the right pan (blue/cyan bars), use greater values (like 100-127). The "center" value of Pan is 64.
The Wheel parameter means "modulator wheel". Set it to non-zero if you want some modulation (vibrato) for the given instrument.
Now switch to Notes []
and try to input some MIDI notes over the visible bars. Just click with the
mouse on the beginning of a bar, then drag if necessary to achieve the proper
duration. You may also want to change the default Note Duration
from the corresponding menu or clicking on the tool button [
Finally, you may want to download the complete project - DSX File (8k) and compare the results. Close the project in Music Analyzer, download the dsx file, place it into your project's directory, and then open the project with Music Analyzer again.
You may now export MIDI file from the project. Download MIDI (2k).
Copyright © 2002-2003 Andrei I Volkov. All Rights Reserved. |